The Most Beautiful Summer Hats for Men and Women

Summer's almost here—that means hat season! Wide-brimmed hats not only keep you cool and stylish--they also offer protection from the sun's harmful rays. This year, we are excited to carry a new brand line of handwoven artisan-crafted hats in Ecuador. If you're looking for statement style, check out our selection from 3 Regions Trading Co.

It is the famous Panama style that first made handwoven straw hats a fashion staple. Genuine Panama hats became famous thanks to the amazing quality of the straw and their almost featherlight weight, which makes them comfortable and easy to wear. 

3 Regions Trading Com collaborates with artisan families who have been weaving paja toquilla hats for generations. They work with a group of women in SigSig and weavers in Chordeleg, nestled in the Andes Mountains of Ecuador. The weavers in Montecristi are the creators of some of the finest hats. Many artisans start learning this craft as early as six years old. An extremely fine weave, an award-winning hat, can take months to elaborate by one single person. Wearing these hats is part of a fantastic ancestral culture which supports and contributes to the magic of these communities.

3 Regions Bolero

3 Regions Bolero is a testament to the slow fashion movement, honouring the skill and artistry of artisans who have faithfully preserved their craft for generations.

Each handwoven hat is made using Paja toquilla, a plant harvested off the coast of Ecuador. After the harvest, the soft middle palm leaves are washed and placed in the sun to dry. The sun bleaches the straw, making it strong and flexible for easy weaving. Weaving a paja toquilla hat is a unique skill. Depending on the fineness of the weave, a single hat can take up to four months to weave. The finer the strands, the finer the grade of the hat. Once woven, the raw hoods go through a series of steps before it is ready for the actual hat. The quality of the fineness of the weave is checked and sorted. A specialist trims any excess straw and ensures the hats do not fray. Next, the hats are washed, bleached and/or dyed to give the straw a unified colour. The paja toquilla is then hammered, and the outer trim or band is added as required.

3 Regions Crochet Hat

Rock the beach or boat with the handwoven 3 Regions Crochet Hat. Features a protective brim, timeless style, and top-quality craftsmanship.

3 Regions hats are handwoven with extreme attention to detail and dedication to traditional techniques. Each Paja Toquilla hat is a testament to the slow fashion movement, honouring the skill and artistry of artisans who have faithfully preserved their craft for generations.

3 Regions Ibiza

Handwoven using the leaves of the toquilla palm, 3 Regions Ibiza is made for mornings on the boat and nights at the beach!

From suave gentlemen to fashion-forward women, handwoven Paja Toquilla hats effortlessly complement many styles. Elevate a casual ensemble or add a flair to formal attire with versatile, timeless hats--traditionally handcrafted in the mountains of Ecuador.